Category: Uncategorized
Entry only $40 if bought before Sept. 10!
Buy your GIANT GAME 47 entry before Sept. 10, and save $10. Plus players can save $5 on every case if they buy it with early bird entry. After Sept. 10 entry and paint can still be bought on game day at regular pricing.
Giant Game “DOMINATION” Sept 15, 2024.
Print the Giant Game™️ Map
First Strike Rounds Notice
We did not get First Strike Round in time for this weekends Giant Game. We do have enough for the players that pre-ordered them. **Because of this we are allowing players to BYOP First Strike. We are sorry for this inconvenience.
Register before May 24 and save.
Register before May 24 and Save $10 on entry. Buy paint with early registration and save $5 a case. After May. 24 players can register at the event on game day, or the night before, at regular pricing. Register – $50 entry before May 24. $60 entry on game day.
Still looking for one General for June 2 “Armageddon” Giant Game.
Please message us if you know someone that knows the Giant Game course and is a good leader.
New items for the Fall Giant Game.
We have add to new Oil Depots. One in the Maze course area and the other one is in the course #2 area.
The snow is melting!
We are starting our plans to add new bunkers and structures throughout the Giant Game playing course. We will be posting photos and updates here on the new Giant Big Game site!